APR Care offers a range of accommodation options to suit your needs. Please see below for more information.

Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA)

If you have specific needs and requirements, the NDIS funds Specialist Disability Accommodation or SDA. This type of accommodation offers a home specifically designed to assist and support people living with a disability. Moreover, the shared supported accommodation provides social connection and stimulation. 

To be eligible for SDA, you must “have an extreme functional impairment or very high support needs” or “have a reasonable and necessary need for SDA.” SDA housing has been created to provide residents with an environment that is supportive and encourages independent living wherever possible. In most cases, SDA involves a small number of people sharing one home. The principal objective of this accommodation is to make accessing support easier, whether through on-site care, specially designed buildings or funding. 

Regarding price, SDA funding includes the cost of your home; however, it does not cover rent or support services.

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Supported independent living is one type of support to help you live in your own space. It includes help or supervision with daily tasks, like personal care or cooking meals. It enables you to live as independently as possible while building your skills. Supported independent living is for people with higher support needs who always need help at home (including overnight). Supported independent living is best suited to people with a disability who have higher support needs. You can get supported independent living if you live with other NDIS participants. You can also get supported independent living if you live independently, but other home and living supports might suit you better. Supported independent living funding can’t be used for rent or other day-to-day expenses like groceries.

It’s important to note that SIL funding is separate from Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funding, which covers the physical housing needs of people with disabilities. While SDA focuses on the accessibility and adaptability of the living environment, SIL is centered around providing support services to help individuals live independently within their home.

Short Term Accommodation (STA)

Short Term Accommodation (STA), including respite, is funding for support and accommodation for a short time away from your usual home. It covers the accommodation cost in our facilities, personal care and food. This allows you to try new things, make new friends or develop new skills. STA is often funded when your usual support network is unavailable.

It may be used for respite to give your support network a break from their caring role. NDIS typically funds up to 28 days of STA per year, which may be used flexibly – for example, a block of up to 14 days at a time or one weekend a month.

All accommodation at APR Care is SDA accredited. We both have fully accessible SDA (Rangewood) and robust SDA options (Condon) available. Participants must have SDA funding within their NDIS plans to qualify for SIL/long-term living at our facilities.

SIL is offered at APR Care for participants who meet SDA eligibility (fully accessible and robust available). If you are looking for temporary accommodation, STA/Respite/MTA may be a more appropriate option

Unlike SIL, you do not need to meet Robust or Fully Accessible SDA criteria for short-term accommodation.


Daily Tasks/Shared Living and Personal Activities